Shout by kinky
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-11-28T18:11:52Z— updated 2020-12-05T18:31:43Z

When Michael and her mom engaged in that rather rambling and unnecessarily emotional conversation, was anyone else expecting V'Kir to interrupt at any time to say "this is beyond the scope of this quorum"? Because I sure as hell was. V'Kir must have been distracted, checking his Facebook, at that time...

Also, I'm calling it: Saru and President T'Rina will be the William Riker and Deanna Troi of the future. Expect lots of bathtub scenes with bottles of champagne in future episodes.

Edited to correct "Deanna Troy" to "Deanna Troi". I'm such a lousy Star Trek fan, please forgive my poor Betazoid grammar.

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