Review by Thiz

Happiest Season 2020

Surprised myself, n isn't usual. To expect a lot of a movie just for a few actors I really like most movies they are in.
The movie.. that makes it mixed to "review" (or I'm in denial ?) lol
OK, even so. Somehow adds up... Push? Oh Mckenzie, turned out to be bad.. Specially for an actress that jumps out from TV and has too MUCH potencial, wasted or wasn't on. Couldn't believe the level of her (and, let's say all cast?) overdoing.. I know it's a comedy. It also is targeted as different, Clea Duvall isn't a typical writer... Yeah comedies can, and specially seasonal, be ultra corny and filler.
Here there is corny, filler, overacting, and LONG REPEATING CLICHES)
Even some very corny season comedies, manage 2 things or, one for sure : heart. Some kind of happy whatever feeling message
Eh! it ends up being being quite the reverse. Main characters do betray the story point and that heart warm whatever moment is.. Not close enough as that. Like they were going to places, that could lead to a rare comedy with endings that most hate no closure or not happy. Of growing up even if it HARD TO DO, They seem to,And then voila.:ALL is fixed and all end up GREAT. Let's make it happy as FORCED as it can be so what. Yep. 2 some manage to rob you some chuckles, if romantic some chuckles and may be some aw minute
No empathy. Couldn't find it. Some lil moment when one of the characters is about decide whether something is what real or just blinded or whatever. gone. Just OH drama that ended up being a farce
OK this is the season of this movies, was it subtle? Themed as gay themed isn't that way much. N maybe is something that does good to some extent, there's no preaching to add some extra msj. You can watch it as another relationship story with the OBVIOUS secret. I followed with FRIENDSGIVING yep: lower expectations: ended up being in same "forgive warm" story. BUT liked it, let's say REALISTIC with the usual FOOLISHNESS. But also well acted, at least compared. Nice cast, gay friendly cliche ish but, to me were cloaked by humor n the right way to. If you haven't seen this, try that one. Maybe You'll have some chuckles aws n nice cast. Half star

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