"If there's one thing I'm famous for, it's that I cannot lie" That one was priceless. The rest of the Felicity Huffman Booty Contest was meh apart from the ridiculous idea itself.

The electoral race is off and on again, and I still see Mr Peanutbutter winning in the end. Meh. Not much interested in this storyline anyway. But the "- I'm signing the lease right now unless you think of a reason not to. - Nothing comes to mind. - OK - By the way I'm dropping out of the race" was hilarious.

Most of Todd ideas until now were ridiculous but had at least some rational base. The clown-dentist thing ? Going a bit too far I think. The pitch to the accountant is still great though.

Ralph's family having their own anti cat traditions was nice.

Main story with Bojack and Hollyhock was not that interesting, but on the character level it's touching to see Bojack try to instill a little self worth into hos daughter given how little he himself has. In the end, she was supposed to crash for one day and is still there after... weeks ? months ?

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