Shout by Silrog

Planet has an existential problem for one hundred years

Michael Burnham:
Can't you two just fix it?
No? What if we make you stronger?
Nice, problem solved in 15 seconds!

I could critizice a lot more. The usual disappointing script, badly developed characters, pacing that would ruin even a good story, bad acting ... but who actually cares anymore?
This series is trash, and we are only still here to see how much it will ruin the lore for future series.

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@silrog yeah, would have been nice if the solution at least came from someone else for a change.

At this point one can basically skip every scene burnham isn't in, since the solution always comes from her. Although she is also the most boring character since she never really makes a mistake and when she does, it somehow works out in her favor in the end (or was planned that way from the beginning).
