Review by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2020-12-15T03:42:47Z— updated 2020-12-19T00:27:08Z


Ahlberg's back at it again, with a devious scheme to install an automated bell system all over Trolberg. But in doing so, every creature—woffs, elves, nisse and trolls—are struggling to live in peace. So Hilda and the gang set out on a daring mission to shut it down, once and for all!

This episode had a fun operation that brings together Hilda, Frida, David, Alfur, Tontu and the lost clan! But not only that, we learn more about the bell keeper. We get a little glimpse into his psyche and what's made him so bitter after all these years. After he saves Hilda's life, he convinced me he was someone we could trust. I loved seeing that character's growth and Hilda unite a group of her friends to come together to stop a common enemy: Ahlberg.

Bartell Bragga, the leader of the lost clan, has a few fun little gags, involving Alfur and combat!

Bartell: "We've declared war on the bell tower. We'll take it down brick by brick. Or die trying!"

It's just all-round fun, epic and satisfying to see Ahlberg crushed by one of the bells he had installed, much like Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco. Except Ahlberg doesn't die.

David: "The pigeons are in the coop. Bartell and Agnes look ready for battle. Alfur... not so much. Over."

It's vast in scope, fun and gathers a large cast to fight for the wilderness' creatures. That twist at the end is very menacing. I also hope Hilda gives Johanna more attention in future episodes; she seems worried all the time.


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@clobby-clobsters How many of these have you watched in a row?

@cookiegod Too many. But it's so easy to binge.
