You know what? This whole comment is a spoiler even if there are parts that aren't...

God damn these cops, and they wonder why black people are scared of them! I know it's just an episode on a show, but this type of stuff happens all the time! And they wanna be like "All lives matter!" Yes, we know your white asses matter, but that's not the point. We are here to say Black Lives Matter because no one else seems to think our lives matter. No one seems to see the injustice. No one seems to think about how we have to behave in a certain to not get arrested, to not get shot, to not get killed. Get any type of response that isn't "Yes sir, I'll kiss your feet sir!" and you're on the wrong side of the law. We have to have the talk with our black sons about how to behave when pulled over, not to not get arrested, but to not get KILLED! Why should we have to teach our children how to behave when a police officer is waving guns in your faces? They are CHILDREN! Why do we have to be suspects who are arrested, shot at, killed just because of the color of our skins. This type of situation would have made anyone upset, but because Miller is a big black man, he is thrown to the ground. Because these women who just had their Little Girls ABDUCTED are trying to get their children back, this mother is thrown against a car and arrested. Yes, she shouldn't have ran at the officer, but she did not TOUCH him. He says she assaulted him. His body cam should show that she didn't touch him. But no, their word is law. These pigs take the law into their own hands and are judge jury and executioner. GOD DAMN IT, I have to go to work in the morning. Hopefully I forget this episode by then, haha. I mean...not in the morning, tonight. It's 11am, which is my 11pm in these overnight shifts.
I swear I never thought cops would go after firefighters like that. Thought they'd work together, but hey, they feel like they are gods because they have guns. They are trash and are no heroes (except the ones who aren't racist pigs), not heroes like the firefighters are.

Yes, the mothers were reacting strongly, but imagine you calling the police knowing your children are in a house and the Police who you ask to protect you are dismissing you while your young children are possibly being molested by some old white man. He's white, so he has the law on his side just because of that. He lies and says they broke how'd they get locked in that place? He said they weren't there before! So which is it? Did they break in, or are they not there? They are Children! This man lies through his teeth and will probably get away with it. AARGH I'm mad. I know it's not real, but it is. This type of stuff happens all the time!

Maybe one day this won't happen. Maybe one day I'll be able to lift my head and say I'm black and I'm beautiful and my sons will be safe...but I don't know that that will happen in my lifetime. No matter how we try to elevate ourselves and educate ourselves, at the end of the day, I'll be black and I'll be judged because of the color of my skin and my sons will be shot at and killed because they fit a profile of a suspicious black male. I'm upset because this episode hits close to home.

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