Shout by Aars
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-12-19T08:01:21Z— updated 2021-01-23T09:33:26Z

That robot metaloid thingy is a better boyfriend to Lana than Clark.
EDIT: so I’m going back to every episode to figure out where things went wrong and when did this veritas shit thing started (so far it wasn’t even an idea, check the glass behind Lex’s desk at his mansion office there’s no V on his family’s crest) so last episode was still decent even tho I didn’t enjoyed much the plot revolving around Lara and Zor-el and this one was okay too even tho Clark has zero screen time and also the ice cube clark thing is super dumb and doesn’t add to the story other than creating friction between him and lana but this is still decent.

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@aars26 The writers strike of 2007 happened in the middle of this season and it shows
