Now here's where the series picks up! The episode starts with Hilda talking to her mum, scared of the possibility of moving into the busy yet isolated city of Trolberg. At night, she has a chat with a giant, who explains the person they're waiting for hasn't shown up for their date. Hilda reckons he's been stood up and suggests he stops waiting & moves on. Hilda's words are some great advice that she fails to follow, as she and her mum take a visit to Trolberg. Hilda doesn't like what she sees.

After returning home, she stalks the Wood Man, before he welcomes her into his home and tells the story of the "Giants of Old". The giants once roamed the land. But after the humans arrived, they began terrorising them. The world "got too small for them," so they left. But the giant Hilda's met didn't get the memo, so she feels pity for this poor fellow.

The next day, Hilda wakes up and journeys with Alfur up a mountain to make peace talks with the King. And of course, the King says, "NO." But it turns out the mountain is a giant. And after saving the elven monarchy, the King decides Hilda and her mum can stay. It also turns out the giant Hilda met didn't leave. So he meets with the other giant, falls in love, right before he steps on Hilda's house.

Johanna: "They haven't even noticed what they've done."

Hilda's mum says as she puts her foot through an Elf's house. Hilda realises the hypocrisy here, before comforting her mum, telling her she's ready to move to Trolberg. The episode ends with a beautiful montage, a new status quo and an enormous bird sitting atop Hilda's roof. WHAT?

This episode tells a heartfelt tale about noticing people who are below you (figuratively & literally) and to learn when it's time to move on. The moment when Hilda grabs her mum's hand endeared her to me, and her gaze out into the beautifully illustrated city left me in awe.


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