Review by BraylonMitch07

Wonder Woman 1984 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 is a problematic but fun movie. At the beginning of the year this film was one of my most anticipated films of the year, but for some reason each time it was delayed my anticipation started to gradually lower. Almost all of my expectations weren’t met and I found this film to be a pretty big disappointment compared to the (great) first film. Regardless of the films many major flaws it’s undeniably a fun and entertaining film with a handful of good aspects that keep me from giving it an even lower score. The plot is okay it’s a convoluted but enjoyable story. The story is the type of mindless blockbuster story that you can’t help but be engaged with. The story is full of major flaws the biggest ones being that since the story uses a familiar plot structure it never feels original or fresh and the story has an abundance of huge plot holes that are unignorable.

Also the story conveys a completely different tone than the first film making the two feel awkwardly disconnected, this move could have been brilliant if it was properly executed. The pacing is decent for the most part the film is well paced but there is still a few times in the second act where the story feels slow. There is also filler scenes that make the runtime feel overlong.

The acting is pretty good Gal Gadot gives a pretty good performance as Wonder Woman. She really will always be the one and only true Wonder Woman, she is one of the main things carrying this film from being a complete disaster. Chris Pine gives a decent performance but I really hate what the writers did with his character arc and especially how they (once again) ended it. Kristen Wiig gives a good supporting performance for most of the film she goes full out Wiig and that’s not a bad thing at all. I was worried about how well her character would fit in with the DCEU but she reassuringly fit in well.

Pedro Pascal surprisingly gives a very good supporting performance he stole every scene he was in with his charisma and charming sense of self awareness with the character of Maxwell Lord. The direction is okay from Patty Jenkins, she went from making crisp and smart directional choices in the first film to making generic directorial choices that most unpassionate action directors make.

I still haven’t lost complete hope in Jenkins because her upcoming films Cleopatra and Rouge Squadron look promising. The script isn’t that good it’s a cramped and messy script that rarely feels memorable or even natural. The cinematography is good this film has a handful of good shots especially the shots of Diana and Steve in the invisible jet. The visual effects and editing are decent as well. The action is decent there is a only a few pure action sequences but when there is an action sequence it’s well choreographed and enjoyable. The ending is a dissatisfying ending that leaves you wondering what went wrong. Overall while it has a handful of good aspects Wonder Woman 1984 is chiefly a messy and disappointing superhero film that could have been much better.

(5 out of 10)

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