Shout by Hamadam

Federation commander asking the green lady to be judged of her crimes...
that was shit.
Did 930-600 something years ago federation asked the same thing from Klingons or from Romulans, when they made peace?
Was romulan empire more honorable or crime free?
Is future federation is more ethical than past federation, I doubt it...

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@hamadam You know, there is a huge difference between the crimes of a fascist regime's leader and a whole species/empire's crimes.

@balazs955 sooo the romulan empire's war crimes is okay since it's whole empire?
Do not try to make this plot gain sense. The writers are doing this to reach where they want in a really really silly way...

@hamadam I couldn't give less shit about the plot. Your analogy was dumb, I just answered your question.
Should I make an analogy with the germans and the nazis then, since you didn't quite get the point the first time?

@balazs955 aaaandd nazis come to the rescue, why didn't I see that...
Cheezus kid calm the f. down, it's just a show, I just voiced my opinion.

@hamadam And he's just telling you why your opinion is incorrect. You can't take criticism?

@keldian "yOUr aNaLogy iS DUMb" and "NaZIs", yeah. The best methods to discuss things on the internet.
My bad.

@hamadam We're talking about authoritarian governments and their crimes vs. a people. Your allergy to the word "nazi" is irrelevant and obstructive to the discussion, so feel free to pick an authoritarian government/regime with a different name, as the analogy will be the same.

@hamadam More to the point I don't necessarily disagree, I'm just not very enthusiastic about the plot in general, this wouldn't be a big issue to me. Especially when you consider we're basically talking about either the spiritual or factual successor to the Orion Syndicate (the Emerald Chain is a syndicate as well) and its criminal boss.
