Ignoring the run time, the pointless scenes, and the plot points that require coincidence instead of problem-solving, the biggest issue is editing and pacing.

Particularly at the end there seems to be no consistent portrayal of characters or what drives them. Gal Gadot is great, the script is not and the storyboarding isn't constructed in any rational way -- particularly in the last 30 minutes. There's enough here to frustrate you in what could have been a good movie, but it wasn't there, it was a bad movie. I think the fact that there is so much to like contrasts so hard with the bad that it drives you to like it less.

I was hoping COVID hurt production in a way that explains the lack of consistent flow, but that's not the case.

What should have been a great sequel with a strong female lead instead became a rambling mess without clear direction in everything but the predictable end.

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