Review by FLY

Ward turns out much more interesting than expected. Of course he's being played, but he's a recovering addict, just out of a mental hospital, and the situation with his father is quite special, so contrary to others his actions are believable outside of extreme stupidity. Even more interesting if he's really the one warning Danny at the end.

Most of the episode is saved by the fights, fun and visually very nice.

But why would they let Colleen fight Bakuto and stand by ? He's her teacher. He knows more than Danny about the Iron Fist, a technique he never had any access to.He's probably even more versed in hundreds of other techniques. She should not be a match for him with both his hands tied.

"If we kill him we're no better". Sure. Then what is the plan ? He's unknown to the police, they actually have no evidence of anything (and he probably has a lot of Hand members in the police and justice system anyway). They have absolutely no clue of what to do with him. So he just conveniently disappears.Lazy writing. Law enforcement have been blatantly absent of the whole show, despite lots of fights and killings going on.

The Danny/Davos conflict is one of the most concretely developed situation in the show. Hope it leads to a little more than that (like Davos becoming another Iron Fist and fighting Danny for supremacy ?). Danny's anger issues could have been a cliche but interesting plot, it's just cliche and superficial.

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