It all comes crashing down. Two destinies are tested and, in a tragic way, both of them fail. Aang's refusal to let go Katara until the last second is what causes him to lose his connection to The Avatar State completely, and Zuko's refusal to let go of his abusive's father hold leads him to betray Iroh. The shambles that episode ends on is a ballsy note, and I appreciate the writer's willingness to go to dark places with it's cast, particularly with Zuko. Redemption is not easy, and you will screw up and make mistakes, sometimes big ones. And while it's painful to watch, the decision is ultimately a very human one, and one where you completely understand where he is coming from.

Plus, it helps when the action here is so good. The scale of the action is on a much more personal level then "Siege of the North" from last season, but it certainly feels just as big thanks to the fantastic leg work the series has done up until this point. It's a nigh perfect climax to a nigh perfect season, and honestly showcases why Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best shows ever made.

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