Late to the party, but intrigued and looking forward to what’s to come.

However, am I the only one who’s having a difficult time becoming invested in these characters? I know it’s early, and that things could change, but they’re not entirely likable.

Victor is veryyyyyyy one-dimensional, so far.
Klaus is trying a bit too hard to be a scene-stealer, so far.
Diego is kind of an asshole, so far.
Allison is happy to see Vanya one minute, and then railing against her for no reason the next. Nothing redeemable about her, so far.
Vanya is pretty damn bland and serves basic dialogue, so far.

The only characters that had an instant effect are Pogo and Five.

Maybe this is intentional? To start with these rough-around-the-edges superheroes? To allow them to grow on us?

I expect them to, especially after seeing so many people rave about this show for so long. I’m just definitely taken aback as to how abrasive these characters are right off the bat.

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