Review by jackal_uk
BlockedParent2021-01-22T22:12:47Z— updated 2021-01-27T19:12:09Z

Queer as Folk for a new generation or an older generation looking at the past. Russell T Davies's new gay drama didn’t disappoint in it's first episode.

It covered all the usual RTD’s bases:

Imminent tragedy

The story is the rise of the AIDs virus in London during the 1980’s which is very prescient for the 2020’s. It does feature some worrying parallels with 2020/21, even at this early stage of the series.

Olly Alexander didn’t disappoint in his first serious role and it will good to see more of him in future (not that there’s much more left of him to see after the first episode!).

Neil Patrick Harris also delivered an excellent and touching performance in both main aspects of the show with some excellent one liners and comedic moments, but also the darker elements.

Callum Scott-Howells also deserves mention for a very accurate portrayal of Colin. Someone who we've all been at some part of our lives and readily recognise in others. It will be interesting to see how his character develops.

Music wise it is spot on, the direction and photography also spot on. 1981 lives again (thankfully only on TV).

The urge to binge the lot is rising, but I’ll try to resist. Oh well, if you insist, maybe just one more.

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2 replies

@jackal_uk How about you mark the spoilers as such?

@goncaalo To be honest I didn't think I was spoiling anything, especially in the UK, as I believe the entire series is available to stream. Also almost every element of the show has been publicised by RTD himself from the basic premise and plot to large parts of the final episode. Again that may just have been in the UK.
Some things I am aware of (and happened in the episode) which I deliberately didn't mention that I do consider spoilers. Apologies if you thought I gave away too much.
