Shout by Deleted

Agent Blake: You know how you can tell the difference between a masked cop and a vigilante?
Angela: No.
Agent Blake: Me neither.

Well, that much was already clear from the first episode. The question is if it will be explored in an interesting way before the season is over.

Rather tepid so far, despite seemingly big teases, but that could always change depending on future revelations and whether they are of substance or simply of “wow” value. As for this episode…not the biggest fan of Jean Smart as Laurie. (Nor do I think her random sexual get together with Mr. Petey makes sense at the end.) And overall it’s filled with at least two too many straight lines from the comic; makes me cringe every time the show has characters reiterate phrases they’ve already iterated prior or at least heard just for reference sake, and it feels mostly shoe-horned in too, trying to get too cute with it. Also the Jeremy Irons comedy routine(s) are getting a bit long-winded, but thankfully it looks like we will be making more substantial progress on that front the next time we see him.

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