Review by Deleted

What a fucking abomination this entire show is. Some entertaining abomination, but abomination nonetheless. Might as well have just been haphazardly throwing shit at the wall.

Where to even begin for this episode. 1) I’m really not a big fan of Yahya as Dr. Manhattan. 2) Having a bunch of moronic racists achieve what Ozymandias couldn’t will never sit right with me. (In terms of being able to capture Manhattan.) Also, it's portrayal of Ozymamdias... yea yea bring him down a peg yada yada. No less of an insulting depiction, no different than the film. 3) How do you write that absurdly silly and comical conception for Trieu and think to yourself that you're on to something? Primetime stupid comic book material. 4) The continuing of the show’s graceless forcing of iconic lines from the novels never seems to not cringe me out. 5) It even abandons its own superficial themes. Everything about race and vigilante cops and trauma which it drops for the TV equivalent of superhero CGI fest. Not that the former ever excited me given that it has the nuanced storytelling capabilities of a Snyder film, but I can’t see even its stanched defenders defend this. It also completely fails to portray the institutionalized racism by making it seem like some small(ish) enclosed group, as if that struggle is over once the Cyclops group is over. 6) But holy shit, actually undoing the ending of the novel? Just fuck off. And FUCK that last shot too. The only hubris here is the notion that Lindelof can take someone else’s text, bent it over and contort it in about a million directions, and not only make his own interpretation of it but practically try to force his own mark upon the original text. There is actually zero originality here, and as it superficially apes the original novel it comes off as a cheap knock-off. What a simplistic, morally reductive piece of turd this ended up being. Just wow. If this is what one should expect from this Lindelof guy, then I can be certain that I won’t touch another show of his with a ten-inch pole.
Alan Moore was right, maybe no one should adapt or in general touch his Watchmen. But even Snyder's film feels less bone-head in its superficial frame for frame replication.

Also, talk about relying on a handful of soundtracks throughout the show. They really milked their money's worth out of “Lacrimosa” huh.

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