Watching this episode nearly three years later and I’m actually glad I ended up waiting this long, because I’m a lot less emotionally invested now.

It sucks that Scorpion got such a poor ending, but looking back, they arguably pushed their luck. The writers wasted so much time on technicalities that probably aren’t even scientifically accurate, just for the sake of the drama. Simultaneously, they rushed through the scenes that actually mattered seemingly to fill those last three to four minutes, each episode.

Taking this last season for instance, the whole arc with Flo shifting the team’s dynamic would have been done in the matter of five or six episode on any other show. Yet here, they keep leaving these crumbs at the end of each suicide mission like it’s a big deal. The show would have improved with shorter seasons, even though it’s the network who makes that call.

Plus, these missions were getting seriously ridiculous. If you leave aside half a dozen episodes/plots, all of these assignments fall into the same categories, like the writers were checking small boxes just to fill the episodes purposes.

Nevertheless, it was a decent show and was a lot entertaining at times. Now I’ll just wait to see Katharine once again on that SMASH revival.

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