Looks like yet again we spent a looot of times on nothing. After all these efforts and episodes, Demeter just disappears, just like the spear last season.

Despite that having the background story, through the intro and Odin's theater, was nice. But the intro raises questions. Why were they younger ? Do the gods age ? It was weird to see that all slavic gods were old but that means it's not only them but all the old gods are actually old ? Why though ? If they can age, Odin should have been quite old by the time America started and the time since then should have been less significant.

Or does that mean he is not actual Odin but just American Odin and all these gods were just born when their first believers came to America ? Though they shouldn't have been born then, the believers would have brought them with them, like we saw Anansi on the slave boat. African gods look younger too.

Or do they grow old as the number of believers decline ? I'm not sure that many people believed in Odin during the independence war.

Danny Trejo ! Ok, still not as good as usual Mr World, but at least it's fun. It's pretty blurry what Technical Boy is actually doing, but Mr World seems to be hiding things from him and more importantly to report to someone ? Isn't he the big boss ? He also implies that he created Technical Boy, so what were the story with the asian guy and last episode's intro where he seemed human ?

We still don't know the point of Shadow being in Lakeside, but I still enjoy this part, it's useless but funny, like with the hitchiking sister.

Still, like season 2 it doesn't fell like we're going anywhere.

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@fly_ Trejo is the best World so far. Glover is completely one note (talk..... reallllllllllly..... slowlyyyyyy).
