Review by FinFan

It's a bit sad seeing this now as Aron passed away way to early. I met him once at a small convention and exchanged a few words. Such a nice person. I wish he'd gotten a better episode, though. Plus I remember it was really confusing back then as I couldn't get past the fact hearing Nog. Still can't.

Anyway, did I get this right ? Voyager is in orbit around a planet and Chakotay needs to leave on a shuttle to find solitude ? And ultimately he performs the ceremony in his quarters anyway. And I am too lazy to enumerate the other logical errors. Man, those writers didn't take much effort to make these stories work.

And why even invent a new species if they are basically a poor man's Klingon? You don't even hide that fact very well as their culture and beliefs are pretty much mirrored. And Kazon Factions equal Klingon Houses, too. It's all so blatantly obvious.

Neelix had one of his better showings as he actually uses his knowledge to help solve the crisis instead of cooking things and getting on people's nerves.

There is a tiny bit of good exchange between Chakotay and the Kazon on the moon, especially in the cave. But it's too little to save this episode.

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