Shout by FinFan

I'll never get it that sophisticated people from the future can act so awkward when they go back in time. That's always where the humor derives from and, unfortunately, here it falls flat most of the time.

I like time travel, paradoxes, causality stories. But this really takes more emphasis on delivering a humorous story rather than a scientific one. And Starling is your quintessential, black and white bad guy. And, if he and the technology of the time ship is responsible for the computer breakthroughs, wouldn't taking back the ship and preventing that timeline lead to ereasing that progress ? That's something of a hick-up for me. There you have it. Causality.

Some nice qoutes:
Tom Paris: Simple: nice clothes, fast car - lots of money! - pretty much a describtion of the late 90's
Tuvok: We could've worn our Starfleet uniforms. I doubt if anyone would've noticed. - yeah, they would be thinking your're going to a Star Trek Convention ;-)

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