This is a cheesy episode. But it's not without some charm. The B Plot with Delilah hitting a pothole was utter garbage. I say this because TV is not subtle. This show didn't become suddenly 1000 times more subtle than any show in it's genre and type for no reason for a B-Plot. The premise is that Delilah is upset at the driving lesson from her mother. Robyn says Delilah has to take responsibility and Delilah claims it wasn't her fault between her over-bearing mother and the pothole. Now the narrative is that Delilah is just making excuses and needs to learn to accept responsibility. I don't think this is a bad lesson but it doesn't match anything we've seen. The pot-hole is real. Other people suffer from it. Robyn is overly protective and I fully expect she would freak out and grab the wheel. I'm on Delilah's side and nothing is showing me that I or she is wrong.

The A plot is a greedy land owner killer an activist to get land. It has a nice reveal-twist. It has a mini redemption arc. Don't get me wrong Iove the Queen but Harry and Melody have such interesting chemistry as a couple. They're almost as good as Uncle Roger and Auntie Hersha level (now that's a comedy duo I could NEVER get tired of watching).

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