Review by ragreynolds

Raya and the Last Dragon 2021

I thought this movie started off really strong. I found the whole concept and the setting of the world to be very interesting. But then the dragon character appeared and everything started spiralling downwards. Sisu (the dragon) was annoying, and ruined the entire tone of the movie as soon as she popped up on screen. I get that this is Disney and they like to have a lot of humour thrown in, but Sisu was just too much. For most of the movie, she was just comic relief. Then the movie continued going downhill by introducing a ninja baby who had been raised by monkeys. I was so disappointed to find that this promising movie with a great setting was taking this route of just filling the movie with ridiculous comic relief characters.

The movie also felt way too fast. The characters were jumping from location to location like it was nothing. It would have been nice to stop and breathe, and to spend some time exploring and learning about the different regions in this world. But instead, the characters just leapfrogged from one location to the next, barely brushing over the intricacies of what seemed to be interesting places and cultures. There was simply too much going on for a movie of this length.

It wasn't all bad though. As I said, it started well. And although I wouldn't say the ending was great, it was certainly decent - although I'm still confused as to why the dragons all came back at the end, when they didn't come back the last time the gem had been forged. Maybe I missed something? Anyway, the main issue was with the middle 70%, and it's not even that it was bad, it's that it was generic and extremely disappointing. I felt like there was so much potential for a great story to be told in this world, but instead we got a bunch of shallow, comic relief side characters rushing from one location to the next, not even giving us a chance to explore these seemingly interesting places.

I'm probably being too generous when I give this movie a 6/10.

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@ragreynolds I believe the dragons coming back has something to do with the fact that this time their was trust between the humans, not only between the dragons. Or something. I agree it went a bit too fast. I agree also on the uselessness of the ninja baby and the "too much comic relief" dragon.
