The fact that the studio ever forced us to watch the 2017 version instead of this is a crime. The 2017 version of Justice League looks like garbage compared to this and I originally enjoyed it, there were major flaws and got worse each viewing but that there was fun to be had but these two movies are not even on the same level. The Synder cut of this movie doesn’t have as much comic relief or bright colors but that’s a great thing this movie felt like how it was visioned it didn’t feel like two different directors. For one Stephenwolf isn’t that bad as a villain anymore and yes he was bad in the original but now we get backstory and motivation and he even looks a little better not much better but a little. It’s crazy how much footage wasn’t in the movie or how many scenes were trimmed and how massive of a difference it made. This movie still feels a little rushed even through the 4 hours because at the time of this movie we hadn’t been introduced to Cyborg, Aquaman, or Flash and a lot of times in this movie they tell stories or voiceover to give backstory or explain things which is better than having to guess but would’ve been better if the DCEU was set up better to begin with but I can’t blame that on Zack Synder. All of the characters feel more authentic and are given more screen time. This movie satisfied me as fan and as a critic and I hope the positive feedback will allow us to get a part 2.

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