Another brilliant episode!

The inner-monologues are a neat addition, and I loved peering into BoJack's inner psyche and the criticism that he hurls at himself. His little adventure with Mr. Peanutbutter was fun; I love it. Diane's speech about marriage and Todd's realisation that asexuality doesn't have to equate to being aromantic is also a nice touch. Meanwhile, Beatrice's developments are interesting, even if the episode doesn't explore them thoroughly. But with this being a series, I can see this having a payoff later down the line.

Princess Carolyn's reunion with Rutabaga was fun but a little undercooked. I get what they were trying to do, but it did little for me.

To conclude, I'd like to mention my disappointment by the end of the episode. BoJack is being Bojack, as usual, and I guess I should've expected this moment. This reaction is intentional, by the way, not a stain on the episode's quality. It's just, UGH. I'm watching Bojack Horseman.


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