Review by RaphMec

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021

I believe I will probably be in the minority here - Very first impression. Might change with some time.
I watched the three previous movies leading up to this one. I liked the two Godzilla movies but did not like Kong: Skull island (mainly because of the writing) - I did very much like both the characters of Godzilla and Kong.

Now for this movie. Hmm well I liked some things about it... but there are many things that I unfortunately did not.
Firstly for the plot... maybe you shouldn’t expect anything from the plot of a movie like this but still a huge weakness, extremely predictable from the middle of the 1st act up until the end. It feels like a missed opportunity. And the whole Hollow Earth subplot...

Secondly, for the human characters. As a whole very mediocre. The trio following Kong I thought, were at least somewhat well executed, especially the little girl. You can get invested in the “mother/daughter” relationship and the girl’s bond to Kong, it works. On the other hand, the trio following Apex really fell short for me. Story wise, character wise and even in some scenes, acting wise. A lot of flaws... I’ve seen all 3 of the actors in other things I liked so I’m assuming it’s not their fault.

Now for our two big friends - Kong works, and he’s about the only thing in this movie that is actually developed to any meaningful extent. Godzilla on the other hand feels like a somewhat different character than in the other movies. He seemed ancient, wise and protecting before.

Now for the fight between mom and dad... this is just my opinion and maybe I’m biased because I just don’t like seeing two characters I really like fighting each other... This film falls into some of the same pitfalls that BVS did for me. “What is the point?” - When I watched some of the fight scenes in the trailer I thought it looked awesome and was looking foirward to the fight but in the film it just fell flat for me. In my opinion, the ultimate fight before the team up came too late in the movie. By the time it comes we know that Godzilla hasn’t just “gone bad” (which was expected) and that he has a good reason for wanting to destroy what Apex is building. So by that point we’re just basically watching the two “good guys” beating the shit out of each other. It takes away from the "Epicness" of the fight because at this point I don't want to see them fight anymore and I'm just thinking "Team up already" - The team up is good and I enjoyed it but it's completely expected from the beginning of the second act, and by the time it actually comes, it feels too late. If you want to have that huge fight in HK, have it in the middle of the movie and then have the last act being them coming together to defeat the mecha. The way it is now makes that fight feel uninteresting because there is no point to it. They’re just hurting each other for no reason. Because of this, I actually preferred the first fight when they’re in the sea.
It’s a great spectacle of course with great special effects but without a good reason or a plot, what are the stakes or the reason to get invested?

As a whole I do like this universe and I do hope they continue making more movies, hopefully a little more character driven next time.

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