Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021

"Godzilla Vs Kong"

If you expect anything more substantial than that, please re-read the title.

This is more like Kong skull island 2, and needed to be.
We've had 2 Goji movies give us human stories, they can always have another sequel start off with characters dealing with the leftover destruction.

Gojira fans are gonna predict pretty much everything.

the news wouldn't just blame Godzilla for destroying apex, they would be asking what's being built, are they causing it.
way too easy for the gang to get into apex ,and into the the delivery pod.
lack of original Gojira theme. though maybe it would come at the end. but alas :pensive:
no cameras in the mecha test room.
easily found dad at end.

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