Equinox is a good example of the problem with this show. In a nutshell this is a good episode with an interesting story. But once you start examine it, it falls apart.

After about six years Voyager discovers another Starfleet vessel. Not only are the chances of them meeting infinitesimal. We don't even get a satisfactory explanation. The Equinox was brought there by the Caretaker as well. Before Voyager but, in the same year. It is a vessel for short term exploration and obviously no one missed it. Or else it would have been listed as missing. Both ships started their journey home than from the same place. Yet no race Voyager ever encountered mentioned the Equinox. Not even the Kazon who were crawling around the array. And Voyager never met any of the races the Equinox encountered. Shall I go on ? It just doesn't add up.

It is still interesting to see a crew that abandoned all principles which is probably what the writers wanted to show and never could with Voyager. But when Janeway said she bended but never broke the PD I almost laughed out loud.

Another little something: Ransom tells Janeway he needs another 63 lifeforms to get home. At this point they are how far away ? 30000-35000 Ly ? Probably less. A couple minutes later he says the first creature gave them enough energy to travel 10000 ly in two weeks. Do the writers think the viewer is stupid ???

Like I said, those episodes do well on their own for the most part. But the constant disregard for facts, continuity and plot logic is something I never experienced on the other ST shows.

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