Love the concept of the neutral ground motel.

I'm not sure why Mr World would sell out Laura ? It's clear that she would then talk and reveal she worked with him. What would he lose by actually protecting her as per their deal ?

Technical Boy's plotline finally leads somewhere, why did it need a whole season for that ??

And now we know why Wednesday initially looked for Shadow Moon. A bit weird, unless he actually expected to die soon, which doesn't seem like him, but why not. Nice scene and twist. Though he doesn't die because he could not endure the trial, but because the tree actively kills him. So if it's part of the regular trial, why would Czernobog, or more likely Ibis warn him ? If it's not, why aren't they more surprised, because it doesn't look like they knew Wednesday's plan ?

Anyway, an ok ending for the season. Hoping the next one is a bit faster.

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