Let me get this straight: Sam and Bucky just got upset about John Walker killing a terrorist.
Didn’t this entire show start with Sam throwing terrorists out of planes left and right?
The writing in this show is just laughable.
Everything happens because the writers want it to happen.
Like literally nothing, and I mean nothing, feels earned or logical.

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@jordyep Seriously?
He didn't kill him.
He executed the guy.
He's not the punisher.

@jordyep I'm totally happy to get upset about the murder of someone who isn't running away and begging for their life, let alone someone who is.
Sam maybe throwing peeps out of a plane is a totally fair criticism though.

@thoroughmas No I completely agree, Walker didn’t do the right thing. I just think it’s extremely hypocritical to have Sam and Bucky confront him about what he did. Let’s also not forget that Sam and Bucky let a criminal mastermind on the loose in return for .... information. I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with these things if the show was just completely bonkers, but it takes itself way too seriously by adding all of the socio-political commentary. That’s what annoys me so much. The show thinks it’s Black Panther, but it plays out more like a Fast and Furious plot.

@jordyep Ahh, yeah ok I get ya, thanks for elaborating. Totally on board with your sentiments.

@thoroughmas actually, he did run away and John caught him before he executed him, if I remember correctly.

@jordyep I agree. This is a show where the military actually have consequences to killing innocent people, so yeah, the writing's not gonna be totally grounded.

@jordyep They weren't "upset" about him killing that kid lol. They even said "we get it" or something along the way. Sam and Bucky wanted the shield back and nothing more. John Walker got repercussions because he's an active member of the US military that got recorded killing a kid in cold blood in a foreign country that happens to be in Europe. Sam was a paid mercenary killing other mercenaries over the skies bordering two war-torn Middle East countries. If you think those are the same scenarios then i'm sorry for you.

@oh_my_jihyo actually they are the same scenarios. You know why? Because it's about making clear for the audience why we should root for Sam and not for Walker.

Because in Walker's scenario I, as a viewer, should feel that his actions (killing enemy) aren't exceptable for Captain America. Which I agree with.
But in Sam's scenario I, as a viewer, shouldn't even question if Sam is morally fit to carry the shield. He just is. Because Steve saw him fit. And we shouldn't question his actions (killing enemies) for some reason.

Oh, wait. He was working as mercenary, which somehow allows him to kill those people. And he wasn't filmed killing them so no bad optics here. Oh and also it was over two war-torn countries which probably allows him to commit war crimes conscience free... wtf.

How about just edit Falcon's action scene better. Or better don't put in the script scenes where he doing questionable stuff. Either address moral grey area or make a clear cut between bad guys vs good guys.

@gloom8 One is shooting at you with a machine gun from a helicopter and the other one is running away begging for his life as he lay there. Another reason it’s different is the first case was mercenary looking for personal gain, the other one is fighting for a cause that Sam (and us, viewers) can sympathize with.
