This episode is a total result of coivd 19 restrictions, just garbage

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@sinsinwar in what way did covid restrictions affect the episode?

@morphinapg It didn't he's just a dumb ass trying to sound cool by hating on good writing.

@morphinapg you see a lot of standalone shots, some talk, which according to me was not what it should have been, totally my expectations and my views. But after the grandeur of endgame, no established characters in MCU should be doing a talk, they should just do it. Have fun,

@paulvincent83 just expecting more than cliche episodes

@sinsinwar There's always need for character and story development which means taking the time to slow down every once and a while and letting things build. None of what I saw in the episode seemed impaired by COVID restrictions, like what you see on The Walking Dead these last few episodes for example. Plenty of large cast gathering on the same set, plenty of people being near each other while talking, etc.

@morphinapg good talk, have fun bud

@morphinapg Don't try, he didn't have a point, he just doesn't understand the fundamentals of storytelling. "Falcon have no life just go boom boom pew pew".
