just a quick shoutout to the faux Greta Thurnberg. I'm sure Greta as barely a teenage has well intentioned but incompletely formed thoughts on the environment that are probably still worth listening to but this caricature of her is ridiculous.

"She's amazing. Sixteen and speaking truth to power like that?"

The girl said it was literal WASTE for everyone to have a microphone. hahah. She tried to shame everyone for the waste of energy it takes to make ice cubes. Someone introduce faux Greta to the ADA because there's a lot of wasteful things in there that don't NEED to be done but get done because they serve a purpose of making life dignified for people with disabilities. Like maybe people with poor hearing get to hear clearly because microphones exist. I'm only 3 minutes in but I feel like this character is a huge swing and a miss. Even if you don't like Greta this is really unfair.

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@wolfkin I think she was criticising that EVERYONE has a microphone, while only one person at the table speaks adn thus theoretically only one per table was needed.

It's idiotic nonetheless, since microphones aren't disposed of after use and the environmental impact of producing a few extra microphones is microscopic.
Sadly its not unrealistic when it comes to environmental activists - especially young ones who often seem way more motivated by having a cause and being heared than by their actual cause (you can tell by their ill-informed statements - people who really care about an issue inform themselves comprehensively).

I think the carricature is insulting and borderline defamatory. I am not really involved in politics anymore, but from what I have heard Greta is usually well informed when speaking - sometimes better than the politicians at the same summits.
I might not like her methods (at all!) because I think the only one you are hurting by "striking" as a student is yourself and encouraging others to do so who are not as bright and might not be able to catch up as easy should be punished, BUT I still think they went overboard with the carricature!
