This feels like a good time to start making judgments.

I don't like this. I like the seasons before, the whole stand thing was a cool gimmick at first, but I liked Harmon better. The animation style shift was hard to swallow, but I got over it. Jotaro feels forced into this show. He was cool, we got his story, let him go now. I used to watch this intently, but now I watch it while doing other stuff (i.e. cooking, etc) and don't bother pausing. It's hard to get invested in this arc, and I'm watching more to get through it rather than enjoy it.

The show also is really trying to live up to its name "Bizarre". This episode was wild! The episode with the Italian restaurant was also really "bizarre". This show feels like it has much more filler than previous seasons, which is only a problem because previous arcs didn't do it.

Also, Koichi is Krillin. Period.

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