Shout by Sahil Tandon


Season 1

Such a weird genre mashup that I can't help but love the ambition. It's kinda trying to do the prestige-TV political thriller of something like Game of Thrones but in a more grounded setting that leans into a real world events and ideologies but also it's a Western and the protagonist can solve most conflicts with sick Kung-Fu stunts. It creates such a wildly dissonant experience and I just really enjoy it as a cartoon version of modern HBO storytelling (not that it's like, worse than game of thrones or whatever, I'm just over that style of show). If anything I wish it leaned even more silly & let these actors chew scenery even more rather than trying to hold the facade of serious motivation. The weird tone makes it hard to watch more than 1 episode at a time unless I'm doing something else at the same time, which is a bummer cuz I really wanna see where the second season takes things.

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