Shout by Corey

iZombie 2015

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘iZombie’:

  1. First and foremost, Rose McIver is a fantastic series lead. She deserves a ton of credit for embodying a new persona for pretty much every episode. Not all of ‘em are winners, but it’s always a delight to see what she comes up with next.

  2. Just when you think the zombie genre is tired, this series flips it on its head and gives you something completely fresh. And the cast delivers this new mythology with great chemistry and an awesome enthusiasm. These actors clearly had a blast on set. It shows.

  3. There are standout episodes throughout the series run, but I believe the show never fully reached its true potential. You get a peek at the possibilities in the final episodes, where the stakes are higher and there are more poignant moments. I wish the show took more risks earlier on — but it certainly had its moments!

Bonus Thought: It may not be a popular opinion, but I thought they did a terrific job wrapping the story up in the end.

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