Review by Dahj Asha

Oh boy, another episode that was full of nonsensical/stupid Sci-Fi... It's a nice fantasy show but I wish there was more science in it. Yes, there's also fiction in Sci-Fi but please don't make it so obviously nonsensical that I feel like you're just messing with me (e.g. that elevator scene was horrible: why is there so much empty (i.e. wasted) space and why are elements of the elevator spawning out of nowhere?). Compared to the other issues this is a really minor thing but why is Saru telling Dr. Hugh Culber that: "The medicine has brought us some time, but we have only a few hours left, at most."

The best thing in this episode was the CGI (but it is sometimes hard to tell what is practical and what is CGI - which is a good thing but together with all the other distracting effects it makes it hard to comment on the CGI).

The cinematographers still really love pulsing and flashing lights, fog machines, and sparkles. One could actually make a drinking game out of that but it wouldn't be healthy... :D

I was excited for Captain Burnham at the end but that smile also made me a bit scared. Let's hope she'll fit the captains chair. I also hope that Paul can forgive Michael.

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