Shout by call_me_driver

Two Distant Strangers 2020

sorry- i dont get it. maybe because i dont live in the us. and i dont get it why "white people should see it".
if, in the last scene, they drive together, they talk about their lives, find point they have in common - and then they shake hands, the black guy leaves and the policeman drives away... than you can say "message: just talk to each other and you will see, race doesnt matter, they are all the same". but now its just "white people are all bad. they lie and then they kill you. doesnt matter what you du and how nice you are". that is not the world i now. not where i live. but as i said... i dont live in the states, maybe its different there.

but if white should see that... maybe well, maybe black people should see "lakeview terrace" ??

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@call_me_driver This might be a very late reply to this shout, but I just found out and watched the short movie. I gotta say, despite not knowing where you live, you don't know the world out there. You see, I am white, some might even look at me and see a caucasian. But my family comes from a lineage of mixed races, same as the vast majority of the Brazilian families. So, one thing that my family teached me differently is to be respectful, regardless of color, gender, beliefs, regardless any differences. But, my friend, I can guarantee you that I... am an exception.
I disagree with the idea you presented, that the short movie tries do make it look like every white person out there is bad. You missed the point. The short is telling many stories through many different levels, and you are looking on the surface only. For instance, the white person here is a police officer, he represents a structure, an organization, the force of the State itself. Much like the Holy Spirit is God's presence, the State is ever present, and its strength is manifested through the military (for outsiders), and the police (for its own people).
Take for instance the last scene, when the officer makes it very clear that he is AWARE of the repetition, he understands that they are stranded on a (time) loop, and yet... "that is just the way it is", says the music on the background. Despite the fact that the police (man) understands and is AWARE of how stupid the repetition is, the mindless killing of the black person (people) continues, as supported by the almighty State, carried on by the very same police (man), who seconds ago was cheerfully engaging into a very intimate conversation with the black person. And the killing still happens, over and over again. Do you see what I'm saying?
I surelly recommend you to give the short movie another try. Check the symbols (like the blood pool in the last death, with the same outline as Africa), the names, pay attention to it. And keep your mind open. Peace, bro!
