Review by tropolite

Resident Alien 2021

Just finished watching season 1. A few points to bring up first.
1. Alan Tudyk is outstanding in this role
2. Every episode made me Laugh Out Loud several times in each episode, not just giggle
3. If you like off beat dark comedy - Watch This Show

Out the gate I have to say this is the funniest shows I've watched in years. Only Big Bang drew out belly laughs similar to Resident Alien. And Alan knocked it out the park in his delivery. Every character in the show has a story it isn't only about the alien. There's quite a bit happening in the show and I also appreciated the show having a Native American focus too. A nice touch considering we're focusing on Colorado rural area. I didn't see it just as a push for woke.
Big Black is a great addition and the deputy.
There are some fun surprises and seriously Resident Alien had me bursting out laughing many times mainly because I like dry wit, dark comedy, and plays on words. Last year sucked in so many ways. Resident Alien breaks those shackles, shows some amazing footage of Colorado, puts a smile back on faces and who doesn't need to exercise those smiling muscles and lungs again. WATCH THIS SHOW.

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