Review by traktuserguy

Raya and the Last Dragon 2021

The animation was great. Excellent character expressions and really engaging sets. The physics were less on point. Most of the scenes transition with only partial regard for what came before. Apparently its possible for round objects to roll uphill ... Who knew. Then there are weird continuity issues. Injured characters are suddenly OK for no reason. They walk with a limp for two seconds and then suddenly they are fine. Some of the characters train all their life to be expert fighters, but simultaneously preach non-violence and universal trust, err, OK totally makes sense? So what about the storyline you ask? Well, that is an unmitigated disaster. The message of the movie is "trust everyone all the time" with lead characters failing to learn from their mistakes. Choosing instead to continue with the same life ending choices hoping that eventually the bad guys will do the right thing. When it turns out that the bad guys actually have no choices left ... and they "do the right thing". It is not a moral choice, but a survival option. The movie teaches its audience that its fine to make stupid mistakes, since magic, random chance, luck and something whatever make-believe will make it all better. Sadly, the characters with the most integrity, and the most likeable are the baby and the 3 monkeys. At least they did not undergo a magical personality change before the credits rolled. Woke rubbish.

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