Dr Ted was cute.
Oh man, I cried I cried I cried and then I cried some more. I really wanted to see the baby make it. I feel so sorry for Lea and for Shaun. He has grown so much! Him giving Lea his scalpel when he saw Lea was nervous, him just being there for her when she was feeling sad about the loss of their child. He may not have known all of the emotions, but he was still there for her when she needed it most. He may do some things...like the tv at the end, but he loves her. He loves her so much. I really hope this loss doesn't cause some issues down the line, like Shaun trying for another one too early, or not seeming upset about the loss of their baby. To the outside world, when he seemed devoid of emotion after the loss of his baby, but he was feeling it in his own way and I could tell when he hugged Glassman that he was feeling it.
I see some couples seeming to form in Park and Reznick
I felt bad about the granny patient. I hope they show what happens to her next episode with the assisted death thing. Can't believe she got slipped antibiotics... I wonder how he even got his hands on some, especially as just a resident. In my hospital, IV antibiotics are mixed by the pharmacist and sent up by the pharmacy. But then again, I'm not a Dr, just a nurse, so maybe they have privileges I don't know about...just...um...if it was oral, maybe he could have taken it from some old school medication storage area that doesn't have a pyxis...
Tried to surround the biggest spoilers with the tag, but my whole post is like a spoiler, haha.

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