-contains spoilers for season one and for the walking dead-

am i the only one who thinks it's strange that in this series right off the bat they realized that it doesn't matter how you die, everyone turns. and in the walking dead, it took SEASONS before it was even brought up as a possibility... i mean i know it's unlikely that rick would have known that, but the others should have, right?

tiny little things like that make this whole universe of series seem a little disconnected and inconsistent.

also coming off the end of season one, idk i get it that it might have seemed like a good idea to flee land and get on a boat with some strange guy that literally none of them know, but i do not trust strand. not even a little bit. it also doesn't make much sense to me that they started just bombing LA? probably likely to happen in a situation like this, to be fair, but for all of those zombies to appear out of nowhere when the bombs are hitting in-land and that's where the noise would likely be? it just seems like they did everything they could to dramatize the first episode of season two, and it wasn't even necessary. i would actually say it was probably a bad idea to start off the first episode with so much action and drama when the rest of the episode was so boring.

this may just be a hint of inexperienced writing, but putting all of the exciting parts at the beginning isn't great for holding the audiences' attention.

fingers crossed the season gets better from here.

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