Review by Shay

good finale.

nick stepped up and lead his people away (though that clearly didn't turn out well.) we saw a few arcs come to an end, like the whole 'faith' thing. madison is really a stupid b*tch for volunteering her whole family to leave to keep travis with them. yes, let's risk the safety of my daughter and take her out into the desert where we could die at any moment. great plan.

it's starting to feel more like she does not care about her kids since she's constantly putting one family member's life at risk for the other. it's really irritating.

still don't like travis, especially after his angry rampage. i get it, it was his son, but it was also partly his fault. he pushed his son away and drove him to seek community with other people. in this case, really dangerous, backstabbing people. not really surprised with how that turned out, but it doesn't reflect well on his character either.

looking forward to season 3, i really hope to see alicia taking more control of her own life in the apocalypse. she has a good head on her shoulders and i hope that moving forward she'll be able to contribute more as a group. i can't tell if she's a good character or if the shitty characters around her are making her look good, but she was great in 'the 100' so i'm holding out hope that she's going to have a great character in this show as well.

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