Shout by Luca

A great film, even if you haven't seen the other movies! I had only seen Kong: Skull Island, so I really hope they make more of these. I'm sad I didn't go see King of Monsters!

As far as the people go - Team Kong is the better half of this movie. Team Godzilla is annoying, incompetent, and stupid. The best character is Nathan while the worst character is Madison. Whereas Alexander Skarsgard's character manages to become relatively likeable, Millie Bobbie Brown's character comes off as an arrogant, annoying, disobedient brat. I really liked everyone on Team Kong and really wanted to see more of them at the end of the movie. Team Godzilla? Not so much.

I did laugh out loud at the fact that they literally dug a hole to China though. The "Mecha Godzilla" line is also really funny.

Overall, a great film! Not smart, but beyond my writing capabilities as far as its genre goes.

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