Shout by Pongpeng

Mare of Easttown 2021

I wouldn't say I watch the show for the characters rather than the mystery (since the mystery is actually compelling as well), but Brad Ingelsby's writing and Craig Zobel's depiction lend this town's population and their relationships a tremendous amount of natural, lived-in authenticity, with both dramatic and comedic moments, that feels so engaging to watch. I could have watched these people dealing with their problems both personal and public all day, which the show has in spades. And the many lively digressions serve dual purpose as both effective storytelling and mystery's clue camouflage as well.

This also extends to the reveal, since however satisfying or not one may find it, we still see its effects reverberate and ripple outwards to the show's cast. The way they're affected is an unexpected but fitting continuance from the town's and especially Mare's arcs (with a never-better performance from Kate Winslet), so that it is a neat trick of plot-based reveal transforming so satisfyingly into concluding tangents of character-based drama too.

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