Shout by Seb May

Sweet Tooth 2021

Great story that feels a little disjointed and the first season finishes before a meaningful conclusion of story elements.

What I liked:
- relatable pandemic story but unique so that it doesn’t hit too close to home
- quite good child acting
- funny moments
- darker themes / concepts without making the feel of the show too dark
- well fleshed out world
- a lot of intrigue (but don’t feel like enough is resolved)

What I didn’t like so much:
- The multiple perspectives and flashbacks can make the story feel a bit disjointed
- The ending feels like a mid season break and not a conclusion to the story arcs. This is quite disappointing as you feel a bit short changed on questions answered and story resolution
- There are a few moments that are a bit predictable / generic / cheesy
- few too many unanswered questions

Overall 7.5/10 (rounded to 8), easy recommend but prepare for a bit of disappointment at the ending of first season.

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