Shout by Shubes

Army of the Dead 2021

Dave Bautista was absolutely awesome as a professional wrestler; like so many others before him (Dwayne Johnson being the sole anomaly) he fails miserably on the big screen however. This movie had potential but the acting was listless, lifeless, spiritless and meaningless. The story was COMPLETELY predictable to any fan of zombie flicks, but so far removed from any decent undead movie that I found myself regretting I had wasted my time. News flash, people: Zombies are DEAD people; ergo, they are incapable of reproducing. That should have been reason alone to turn this off, but I'm a slow learner and kept hoping.

In the end, it was an enormous disappointment, and I would be remiss if I didn't warn others to avoid this idiocy. A complete - COMPLETE! - waste of time, and certainly at 2.5 hours in runtime it's not worth sitting through. I really wanted to like it...I really EXPECTED to like it...but alas, 'twas not to be.

Avoid this one unless you've got absolutely NOTHING else....

On second thought, just avoid this one. Period. It reeks.

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