Review by Lars Sieval

Three Kings 1999

"Man... I didn't join the army to pull paper our of people's asses."

One piece of paper can truly decide how a man's week can change. From stealing gold to rescuing almost an entire village. I never thought the story would go in to that direction but I'm glad it did.

To be honest David O. Russell's Three Kings has been on my watchlist for as long as I can remember and I'm glad I finally decided to sit down and watch it. I had high expectations going in. Heard great things about it and I like the cast. I was also surprised by Spike Jonze. Never expected such a decent job out of him! I only know him from his Jackass fame. So lovely to see him shine as Conrad Vig! George Clooney was great as Major Archie Gates and Ice Cube rocked it as Chief Elgin. Mark Wahlberg might have given us one of his best performances with this role as Troy Barlow. The more I see from Wahlberg the more I begin to love him.

Anyway I don't want to spoil too much of the movie but it really is worth checking out. One of the better movies I have seen the past month.

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