Shout by Aars

These are my type of fave episodes but I feel like every time there’s fewer of them and that’s what’s keeping me from watching the show as religiously as I used to cause I’m not vibing with this Zodd thing.
It was so weird seeing star wars stuff in a warner project cause now it’s a disney property so it was odd.
So good seeing Zatanna again!!! I just don’t get why the show doesn’t take advantage of the great guest stars they have!
And omg Lois as wonder woman!!! She looks even more amazing than usual!!
And that chloe and shazam storyline was disgusting on her part!!! She’s so disgusting, cause on his part he was just so chilling playing videogames. And she was so mad when she found out as if he had betrayed her??? And then EWWW chloe and oliver. I don’t accept that.
My only doubt is why Clois isn’t an active couple??? What’s stopping them??? Like just kiss and engage on the physical act of sex please.

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