Shout by Caesar

Green Room 2016

Wow, it's even more gruesome and intense than I remember. The plot is simple, it's about a punk band becomes trapped in a venue after witnessing a murder and is forced to survive against a bunch of neonazis. There's no plot changing, no surprises, no heroic or dramatic moments, it simply manages to display something really raw and realistic. That's what I genuinely love about this film. The build up of tension is uncompromising. I can feel the frustation and adrenaline from here, it really gets your heart racing. The claustrophobic setting and the effective use of gory violence help making the situation more tense and thrilling. The acting all around is great and very convincing. The characters are able to show organic reaction and make reasonable decisions. With its speedy pace, relentless brutality and the cute jokes that surprisingly work, I really enjoyed this roller coaster of a thriller. RIP Anton Yelchin.

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