Rewatching this with my sister who has read the first 4-5 books is hilarious. She's always been geek friendly but now she can participate with full understanding.

In this episode we've decided to give the women names based on the type of bosom them have because the costume design is .. well it's fun but it's also hilarious. Our guest star sister of the thief is now dubbed "Ample Bosom" and for this episode Kahlan is "Casual Bosom". It's weird that in a land of magic people think monsters are just myths and legends. You KNOW it's not. People fear Kahlan all the time (when they remember to mention she's a confessor). You all are under control of D'harans who control a dragon (i think) and there are gars all over the place. I understand it in Westland but Midlands is supposed to be the land of magic. It's also supposed to be the land where the Seeker has been selfish and mercenary until the true Seeker Richard so this is a classic case of sure maybe the events work but not with the motivations provided. Like in Invincible when the girlfriend broke up with the boy because he told her he had powers which was lying because she already knew but she's only angry at him in the first place because he was doing secret identity superhero things that literally saved her life in front of her. Our heros get caught up in the worst traps I've ever seen and despite being a simple woodsguide Richard doesn't have a knife to cut himself down. Kahlan however DOES and she doesn't use it until after Zedd fireballs the rope. Oh ... writers.

The photocopy of Richard in the sword and sorcery era is hilarious. Remains hilarious this many years later since this first came out. It's a simple story plotwise of saving an innocent woman's brother even if it means going up against D'Harans. It's silly but it's serviceable.,

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